Village News

05 March 2025Lincoln Pro Musica Orchestra

Great news - the orchestra are coming back ! Put the date of Tuesday 14th October in your diary  

05 March 2025VE Day

There will be a family Barn Dance and supper on Friday 9th May. Doors open at 6.30 for an evening of great fun to celebrate VE Day.  Further information to follow.

05 March 2025VE Day

On Thursday 8th May there will be national celebrations to mark 80years since peace broke out in Europe after years of terrible suffering and loss of life. The hall will be open in the evening with displays, some accounts., 1940's snacks and music from the era. we will light the beacon at 9.15 along with the rest of the nation and our friends in Europe. Come along and raise a glass to those who fought and worked at home to m,ake the victory ,the peace and our freedom possible.  

05 March 2025Daffodil coffee morning

It is daffodil time again! the village hall will be open 10am-1pm for bacon rolls , sausage baps, cake, cappuccino etc. There will be some shopping opportunities and a game or two. A village walk will set off about 10.15 taking in the historic and environmental hotspots in our beautiful village 

All profits will go to Dementia UK

05 March 2025Tea and teacakes

To help celebrate Village Hall Week, we are holding a tea and teacake afternoon 2-4pm on Thursday 20th March. Come along and enjoy the live musical entertainment with friends 

15 January 2025Parish Meeting

There will be a Parish Meeting at 7pm on Wednesday 22nd January to discuss the latest plans for the development of a solar farm. Everyone is welcome

20 December 2024Richard Durrant Songs for the Solstice

Richard Durrant and four other musicians will be playing in the hall on Friday 20th December. Doors oen at 6.30 and the concert is 7.30. tickets from Rosa

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